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5 Ways to Celebrate National Seafood Month

By Rebecca Gardon

Seafood is an all-day-every-day kind of thing for us, but we’d never turn our back on a seafood holiday. Especially a month-long one! In light of October being National Seafood Month, here are five things you can do to “sea-lebrate” with us:

1. Share on social media how you enjoy #CatalinaOffshoreProducts seafood. We want to see your sashimi and sushi rolls, and all the ways you cook with our fish and shellfish! If you’re on Instagram be sure to tag @catalinaoffshoreproducts in your posts and feel free to use any of our favorite hashtags, including #knowyoursource #sdfishmonger and #trustyourfishmonger!

2. Try a new seafood! If all you ever eat is salmon, go for opah or black cod. If halibut and haddock are your go-to white fish, look for sheephead, monchong or goldspotted bass. Eating a variety of seafood not only opens your palate to delicious new experiences but helps balance fishing pressure across different species rather than putting it all on America’s favorites, such as shrimp, tuna and salmon. A trusted fishmonger, like our own Tommy the Fishmonger, can make several suggestions based on your flavor preferences.

3. Seek out local seafood. Today, 80-90 percent of the seafood we consume in the U.S. is imported (with about half of that farm-raised). Buying U.S. seafood boosts our local economy and strengthens our own coastal heritage. It’s also environmentally responsible in that it boasts a lower carbon footprint over imported seafood; and is managed under some of the strictest fishery regulations in the world.

4. Take a cue from our friends at Seafood Nutrition Partnership and take the pledge to eat #Seafood2xWk (and tell others to do it, too!). There’s no better time than National Seafood Month to take the pledge. Visit and sign up. Once you sign up, share it on social media and encourage your friends and family to take it, too.

5. Share your recipes. We’re always looking for more content for our website, social media and newsletters. Email us your favorite recipe(s) featuring Catalina Offshore Products seafood. If we feature your dish, we’ll send you a Catalina Offshore Products ball cap! (Be sure to also send us at least one accompanying photo!)


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